About Jennifer

2nd Amendment

As a female State Representative, I am staunch supporter of family values and our constitutional rights. No politician should tell a LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN OF THE USA that they do not have the right to protect their home, or family regardless of what state they reside or visiting. I have consistently, and will continue to vote to keep your SECOND Amendment rights.

Victim Rights

Serving on the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, I have been a voice for victims and the families, pushing for stronger protection for victims of sexual violence and DUI legislation.
A victims voice should be heard not silenced! As your representative I will continue to protect those who are most vulnerable.

Fiscal Responsibility

I promote personal responsibility as opposed to government mandates and taxes. I strive to control spending through responsible budgeting.


I am running for Re-election! Being the voice of over 15,000 constituents is a privilege and honor. I will continue representing Cheshire County District 17 ( new district number due to redistricting)- Winchester, Richmond, Swanzey, Troy, and Fitzwilliam by promoting personal responsibility as opposed to mandates and taxes.

Remembering the "Forgotten Corner of NH"

Local election day! Supporting great leaders that want to represent their towns locally
Local election day! Supporting great leaders that want to represent their towns locally
Winchesster Mud boggs!!
Supporting our Men and women who have served, and continue to serve their communities and our country
Supporting our Men and women who have served, and continue to serve their communities and our country
Fun day building scarecrows with thr Troy PD
Fun day building scarecrows with thr Troy PD
Queen of MUD!
The one and only "Resurrection"
Queen of MUD! The one and only "Resurrection"

Would You Like To Help Us?

Please consider donating to my campaign to help me reduce government mandates and taxes.